
Did anyone watch Boston Public Monday? Replicating the recent riot among students in San Francisco's Marshall High School last week, Winslow High also had their own riot to complain about their learning environment. With POD's anthem, Youth of the Nation, blaring in the background, the students pretty much tore up the school. Of course, the whole scene was drama at its fullest, but where were all the adults? The vice principal screaming from the stairs and the principal just staring blankly into the crowd ain't gonna do anything while some kid breaks glass for no apparent reason. It's inner city Boston, where were the police?

Continuing on the theme of the students' voice, the Daily Cal had an op-ed piece by Tom Daschle (D-SD), the Senate majority leader. Titled "Student Voice May Shift Federal Power," he says that "now is this generation's time to not only keep our republic but to strengthen it. Now is their time to shape America to their ideals, and that work begins at the ballot box. So I urge students to get involved in this year's elections, regardless of party preference." While the purpose of the article was to get students to vote this Election Day, he manages to sneak in some partisan Democratic comments doesn't he?

Every elected official, Democrat and Republican, understands that the safety and security of the American people is our first responsibility. Democrats, however, also understand that the challenges we face go beyond national security and homeland security.

I would argue that, during the past year, Democrats have used our majority in the Senate to enact positive change, and to keep inadequate and even harmful legislation from slowing our national progress.

So where's the Republican response? Running a Democratic article seems to tip the scales doesn't it? At least they ran it in the opinion section, probably the least-read section of the newspaper.

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