
Short anecdotes from today:

This is my math professor from today, speaking in his slow, Russian accent.

"Next week, you will have a midterm on the material up to this week, ya? Now, I will give you one sheet with the list of questions. You will need something to write on. So please bring a bluebook, ya? If not, you can bring some, um, sheets of paper. But I don't know how you're going to fasten them together, ya?" (Looks down at the table for at least 20 seconds. Then a student raises his hand.) Ya?

Student: How about we bring a stapler?

"Ah, yes. Bring a stapler, but only if you use sheets of paper. Not if you're using a bluebook, ya?

This was overheard and published in the San Francisco Chronicle.

Those of you who commute on Shattuck must surely have seen the big posters in the old jewelry store by Ross saying to vote to re-elect Shirley Dean for mayor. In the window is a donkey of all things. Well, a mother and son passed by it and the son asks, "Is that Shirley Dean?" The mother responds, " Well, it's Berkeley. Anything is possible."

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