
Kudos to the Late Show with David Letterman, yes, that show with the guest list to the left of this column, for winning its 5th consecutive Emmy award. Friends totally deserved its award and while The West Wing did have an off year, I never did watch Six Feet Under so I wouldn't know if that deserved it more.

Music groups are only as good as the sum of their parts. This is true for boy bands, who apparently make quality music even if I will never understand why. But this latest run to make music by themselves may be tiring already. Justin Timberlake and Nick Carter have made this leap and boy are these bad. Nick's video is a big jumbled mess and Justin looks awfully uncomfortable trying to rap or make it look like he is. I'd rather be watching any of the adult contemporary on VH1 or even BET than these. Though as for BET, old school rap was much better than what it is now. Case in point? Justin trying to rap.

How did a child abuse case become a national story? Yes, it's a sad thing for the camera to witness, but does everyone have to know about it?

Cal lost its first football game this year, 3 games later than some people predicted. Apparently, the culprit was fried chicken because the wide receivers couldn't catch anything Kyle Boller threw at them. The Sharks began their exhibition hockey season by losing their first 2 of 3. On happier notes, SJSU beat defending Big 10 champion Illinois and Oak Grove beat nearby Live Oak in high school football. Anyone in San Jose over the weekend can join me in Oak Grove's next football game against Alisal on Friday where I will be, camcorder in hand, to catch my sister's first colorguard performance. Who wants to take bets on how many times she'll drop her flag?

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