
How much more ridiculous can ER get? Watch tonight's episode and count the ways.

Some form of smallpox, a disease eradicated by vaccine years ago, suddenly reappears out of nowhere in Chicago, strickening a little boy and infecting others.

The same strain of smallpox gets found in the African country of Congo.

Fine, it's not smallpox, but the commercials would tell you otherwise. That's because all ER episodes are described as being "very special" or "the most emotional episode of the season" or similar phrases like that.

They're letting people go out even though the hospital is probably infected with the disease because of the ventilation systems.

Dr. Romano's arm is cut off by a helicopter rotor after he stops to pick up a chart.

Dr. Lewis is left alone to care for an old man, who happens to go into arrest exactly the time after the doctor, nurse, and technician leave.

Mekhi Phifer's character breaks a window with an IV stand to get into the blood bank, but when it comes to actually getting into the blood in the glass case, he uses a key after spending time searching for it.

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