
This link on the Yahoo! web page intrigued me today. NY Man Sues, Claiming Fast Food Ruined His Health

Now, I'm no nutritionist but can one really make this claim? If people like this guy are as dumb as the things he says out of his mouth, maybe he can. Consider these gems:

"I didn't find out how bad it was until 1999," he said.

"They said '100 percent beef.' I thought that meant it was good for you," the 272-pound Barber said. "I thought the food was OK."

And, "Those people in the advertisements don't really tell you what's in the food," he said. "It's all fat, fat and more fat. Now I'm obese."

On a lighter note, I happened to find out of a show where Master P and his son Lil Romeo shack up with some Southern white people before a concert. For some odd reason, this was a hilarious idea. Funniest of all, it ended with the whole family attending the concert, being the only white people there. Kudos to MTV. More odd-based celebrity live-ins should be made.

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