
Reign of Fire
Can you stand the Reign? I certainly couldn't. Apparently, twenty years from now, dragons will take over the world as humans' efforts to eradicate them destroy their own home. The rest of the movie is devoted to some English people evading the dragons' efforts to destroy their home and a crazy American's quest for the one male dragon left to fertilize all these eggs the female dragons have. In these types of movies, you'll score a lot of points by getting to know the villains. The most famous example of this was Godzilla. In all of his Japanese movies, sure he lay destruction on the poor people below, but he seemed to have a heart and we cared for him. When Hollywood got a hold of the movie, he was just a killing machine in New York. You never really get to know these dragons. You see them for a second, do their fiery work, and leave. It could have been something more but the filmmakers chose to emphasize on the plight of the poor humans, whose stories aren't very interesting to begin with. The only thing interesting was the cool skydiving sequence in an effort to capture a dragon. But that, like the concept of the movie, crashed and burned. 1.5 stars

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