
Let me just rant a minute about the bus system here in Berkeley. If you know me, you'll know I'll be the first to defend the buses. It's a great time-saver for the carless types who don't want to walk, like me, and the homeless types who need to sleep one hour at a time. Plus, we can say to others we have our own driver while mumbling under our breath that he or she drives 60 people at a time on hard plastic seats with no seatbelts.

On a cool day like today, I wouldn't have minded some time outside, especially after the boiler room conditions we've had for a couple of days. But after a probably dismal performance on today's midterm, all I wanted to do was go home. I got out at 4:35 and waited for the bus. All types of buses passed by me while I was waiting. 52L...64...40L...64...7...64...7, etc. By 5:00 and hearing the chimes, I thought maybe I should just walk. But no! I've waited this long already. By 5:05, my math teacher passes me and asks, didn't you leave a half hour ago? Of course, he takes the 64 so his bus is already there. 5:15. The faint image of a bus appears. It's a 51! Then another. Then another. Then another. Like ants headed toward food, 4 buses, one full and three empty, were lined up and waiting. Finally, at 5:35, I'm home. One hour to go less than a half mile. Maybe I should walk more.

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