
About a Boy
Hugh Grant stars in another one of these single guy finds true love movies that has filled up his career. Frankly, it's getting a bit tiring. But this gives us at least a little twist before its pre-determined ending. His name is Will, a very old bachelor at 38 who goes around dating and dumping. Currently, he's picking up women at a single parents group. His life is full of nothing, living off the royalties of his father's Christmas song. While he's walking with a single mother, he befriends her neighbor's son, Marcus. Marcus dearly loves his mother who is going through some rough times, culminating with an attempted suicide. During his mother's recovery, Marcus and Will become close friends. Soon, both realize they're growing up and becoming separated from the life they loved which results in their separation and it takes time for them to comprehend their lives aren't complete without the other.

Fundamentally, it's a film of growing up for both Marcus, in the actual growing up sense, and Will, growing up in society. The film strikes a good balance in comedy and drama, a good change for its directors, the Weitz brothers, best known for the gross-out American Pie movies. Toni Collette, Marcus' mother, also has a good role, as does Rachel Weisz, though she isn't seen too much in the film. 2.5 stars

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