
I just heard Berkeley will offer a course on blogging. Maybe they can mix it with another topic: how blog is not even a real word. (Yet.) Those English majors might have a field day. Still, it sounds interesting. More and more journalists are using blogs nowadays. Why not teach people how to use it? True, it's not that hard. Look at this lame thing you're reading right now. But they get an A for effort. If only I had grades for effort...

After watching Mole II, a show nobody watches but still fascinating to me, I managed to catch the little summary rundown of that other show people are talking about, American Idol. Boy, those people are terrible. I'm sure they are talented and all but nothing beats the real thing and they aren't even close. You'd think a storied institution of broadcasting such as Fox would bring out the best and brightest of America in American Idol. Instead, they got pretty faces with half talent who are so hyped up we're forced to believe they have any real talent.

Now to catch a good show, Scrubs.

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