
One last final at 5:00 today. It's a Computer Science final. I don't need too many points to get the grade I want, but a test is a test.

To get to the other two movies in the list, Spider-man is a great movie until the end, when it seems to have the depth of a WWE wrestling match. (Yes, WWE. Who cares about the World Wildlife Fund? This new name doesn't have a nice ring to it, plus that's an ugly logo they have replacing the familiar WWF one.) Our hero gets beat up every which way before coming up with a comeback and killing the villain, who didn't seem too awe-inspiring or hateful. The whole double personality persona of the Green Goblin kinda reminded me of Fight Club, mainly because I re-watched Fight Club the day before. Great movie to see over and over again by the way. So, if Spider-man can get a better villain to face in the sequel, it will be the perfect movie. For now, the original is just a good movie. 3 stars

Hollywood Ending
Hollywood Ending is an enjoyable comedy. The problem is that there aren't too many laughs. Most of the story is devoted to how Woody Allen can hide the fact that he's blind, most of it seems serious instead of humorous. The addition of his severed relationship with his son seems like it's there to kill time. I must admit, camerawork is top-notch and they all seem like they're having a good time. But it also seems like a blind Woody Allen really did direct this movie. 2 stars