
Two things you must buy as fast as you can.

Fiona Apple's new album "Extraordinary Machine" drops on Tuesday but you can preview it on Myspace.

I got my copy of Family Guy Presents Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story on Wednesday and while it's actually just one very long episode, it's one very good episode. The Ferris Bueller run is spot-on and it's got some particularly adult scenes that truly show what Family Guy is all about.


The 40-Year-Old Virgin and Red Eye
You may or may not realize this, but I watched these movies a very long time ago and only now getting to the reviews. Is it because of my busy work schedule? Could be. In any case, there haven't been many movies to watch and these two have been arguably the most-talked about releases of the last month so here we go with quick reviews.

The 40-Year-Old Virgin is a great comedic experience that could only be created by one Steve Carell of Daily Show and Office fame. It borders on truly offensive material at some points but overall, it's something every adult can laugh at consistently. From the many action figures in Andy's wall to his waxing experience and finally his wooing of Catherine Keener spoke loudly with laughs even if it ended in such an out-there way.

Red Eye stars the lovely Rachel McAdams, seemingly budding to make it big in Hollywood. This movie may make a lot of money for her and the studio, but quality-wise, she heads a bit sideways. What starts out as an edge-of-your-seat thriller falls apart to chase scenes and another incarnation of Home Alone. And all the while, you're questioning the moves both she and Cillian Murphy are making as she tries to avoid the killing of her father. It's barely an average movie even with McAdams in a starring role.

The 40-Year-Old Virgin: 3.5 stars
Red Eye: 1.5 stars


We're right in the middle of a short birthday rush so here's one post wishing all of them a happy birthday. Datman's was last Tuesday. My cousins Trang and Peter had their birthdays on Friday. Last but not least, Christy's birthday is on Thursday. Happy birthday to all. I hope that's everybody for this week and last. If not, you're just not a good enough friend or relative.